" Beauty is in the eye of the beholder "

marți, 12 iulie 2011

The beginning

Ca o scurta prezentare , eu sunt Ioana. Ce ma leaga pe mine de makeup? Nici macar eu nu mai stiu cum a inceput totul..

Din intamplare am ajuns pe canalul de youtube a deja faimoasei Laure Luke ( aka Panacea81 ) Mi-a placut foarte mult felul in care se machia si o urmaream cu multa placere ( acum sincer dupa ce am sapat mai adanc in tainele machiajului mi se pare destul de simpluta si ce a propulsat-o a fost probabil mult noroc ) . A organizat un asa numit "giveaway" si am decis sa incerc si eu un look.. cu 0 experienta in ceea ce priveste machiajul ( cred ca o data sau de 2 ori mi-am convins prietenele sa se lase "pictate" de mine) ( O sa postez si o poza atunci cand o sa le gasesc) . Nu am castigat nimic nu va speriati :) dar am fost atat de incantata ( ce pot sa spun nu ma caracterizeaza modestia) de rezultatul final, incat am zis ca poate cine stie.. chiar o am in sange.

Acum la mai bine de 1 an sau chiar 2 am evoluat destul de mult zic eu. Cel putin cunostintele in domeniu s-au inmultit foarte mult. Practica am facut tot pe prietene. Si ele imi servesc ca modele in continuare.

Cu ce scop mi-am facut acest blog? Pentru oameni ca mine acum doi ani. Stiu ca sunt deja foarte multe fete (si de ce nu si baieti ) innebuniti dupa aceasta arta, dar sper eu ca nu sunt destui si mai incap cativa in aceasta "bransa" . :)

As a brief introduction, I'm Ioana. What connects me to my makeup? I don't even know for sure how it all started ..

By chance I started following the already famous youtube makeup guru Laure Luke (aka Panacea81) I loved the way she did her makeup (honestly now after I dug deeper into the secrets of makeup she seems to be quite simple and i think what made her famous was probably luck). She organized a so-called "giveaway" and I decided to try entering the giveaway with my own idea of a look.. with 0 experience in terms of makeup (I think one or two times I've convinced friends to allow me to put makeup on them) (I'll post a picture of that look when i'll find them). I have not won anything do not worry:) but I was so excited with the result, that I thought , who knows .. maybe i have it in my blood.

Now after 1 or 2 years I feel like i have evolved. At least my knowledge in the area multiplied . I still do makeup on my friends. And they still serve as my models.

For what purpose I made this blog? For people like me two years ago. I know there are already so many girls (and some boys) crazy about makeup ,but I hope there is stil some room left for me. :)

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